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Club Duties

All club sailing members over the age of 16 are expected to contribute to duties each year to assist in the smooth running of the sailing programme. Social members are also encouraged to take on duties, especially where they have skills to support new or less experienced members.

You are encouraged to sign up for your duties via the website based system when the calendar and duty list is released; this means you can choose the dates of your duties and ensure it doesn't clash with other commitments. Members who do not volunteer for duties via this system by a specified date, will be allocated duties by the sailing committee. The duty system also enables you to request a swap with another member if you need to.

To sign up for a duty, or request a swap, you will need to you will need to log into the Members Portal on this website to see the Duty Roster. If you have a duty you need to swap, you need to "accept it" and then request a swap.

You will receive 2 e-mails reminding you of your duty as it approaches, the e-mail will include links to duty relevant information which you should read in preparation for your duty.

There are a number of duties and roles which we need fulfilling by our members. We detail the main roles and the key responsibilities below, there are also additional duties, eg. if you are a parent of a Junior sailor.

RO - Race Officer Responsible for managing the day's racing. For full details and guidance please refer to the Race Management Guidance, but in summary this includes:

  • opening up the race office,
  • managing the safety boat team and 
  • Running the races which includes:
    • setting the course, 
    • managing signing-on and the race record sheets, 
    • managing the start sequences to start the racing. 
    • Using the software to record laps and finishing times.

The RO will be responsible for the overall safety of the days sailing and managing any protests or on the water disputes either by forming a protest committee or by recommending a course of action via the rules arbitration process. The RO is not expected to sit on any protest committee, simply to ensure that a meeting is held to resolve the protest.

ARO - Assistant Race Officer 

The ARO is a second pair of eyes ears and hands for the RO, helping to share the responsibility for running the days racing whilst also learning what the job involves. Please look at the Race Management Guide to see what is involved. This role is ideal for less experienced or newer members to assist with running the racing. Our youth members are encouraged to volunteer for this role.

SBH - Safety Boat Helm 

The Safety Boat Helm is responsible for ensuring that those engaged in the days racing have a second line of support if they get into difficulties, remembering that helm and crew choose to race at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety (RRS). 

The SBO operates under the direction of the RO at all times when on duty on a racing day (Sunday and Wednesday) and under the direction of the Senior Instructor and relevant Coaches if there is training taking place at other times. Whilst on duty the safety boat will be manned by two people at all times, the SBH and SBC. The SBC should be dressed and prepared to enter the water if necessary.

On race days, the safety boat will also be used to move and position temporary racing marks as required by the RO, during this activity the SBC could gain some experience of driving the safety boat if supervised by an experienced SBH.

SBC- Safety Boat Crew

The SBC should be prepared to enter the water if the need arises and is expected to be dressed appropriately to do this regardless of the weather conditions. The SBC is encouraged to learn the duties of the SBH. If you are acting as Safety Boat Crew you will also support with the launching and recovery of the Safety Boat.

Shore Crew

This role is usually reserved for Junior Training nights, it includes manning the VHF radio, being a point of contact for any queries, ensuring sailors that return to shore are met by parents. The role will also be expected to act as beach master, to oversee the parent volunteers and advice on launch and recovery of sailors and powerboats. This role works under the direction of the Senior Instructor for the evening.

Coach / Instructor

The Training & Coaching team are listed on the duty list. You need to have an RYA coaching or instructing qualification to sign up for these duties. There should be a Senior Instructor on site at all times when Training is being undertaken.

Duke of Edinburgh Volunteer (DofE Volunteer)

We encourage youth sailors to volunteer, this can be by participating in the DofE scheme. Sailors who have opted to complete the volunteering section of their award at Elton SC, can sign up to assist via the duty rota. If you wish to participate in this scheme, please contact Ali so that we can arrange to complete the relevant sign off with the DofE scheme.

Last updated 2:47pm on 14 March 2025

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